追加ギミック公開!「G.F.F.M.C. ガンダムデスサイズ(EW版)/ガンダムデスサイズ(EW版)ルーセット装備」のご紹介
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*The information listed is the release information for Japan. Please check the sales area information for the sales situation in each country.
Sales area
■ Specifications
- Painted finished product, each joint mobility
Fact Sphere is possible reproduce the unfolded state in replacement
■ Features
商品の基本構成はIN ACTION!! OFFSHOOT 無頼をベースにしていますが、スラッシュハーケン部を新造し、ハーケンの上下可動をはじめ、差し替えで射出状態を再現可能となっています。また、ハーケン基部は取り外して、IN ACTION!! OFFSHOOT「サザーランド」「グロースター」「無頼」に取り付けることも可能です。
Retail products can be found at TAMASHII NATIONS STORE TOKYO, as well as toy stores nationwide and major electronics retailers.
We also have limited items that can only be purchased via
our own flagship TAMASHII NATIONS STORE or by lottery or mail order
on the Tamashii Web Shop and TAMASHII NATIONS STORE ONLINE.
You can learn more about the different options below!
*Please inquire about the status of a product at your local retailer
And those that are not included in the specific product category, is a commodity, such as expanded category in the past.
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