1995 年的电影《哥斯拉大战德斯托罗亚》因其对哥斯拉早年的令人震惊的刻画而在平成时代的哥斯拉电影中具有传奇色彩。 现在,这部电影中的“哥斯拉 (1995)”凭借其失控的内功,加入了S.H.MonsterArts系列中的小哥斯拉。 哥斯拉 (1995) 将在商店出售,而 Godzilla Junior 将作为 Tamashii Web 独家发售。
Both figures feature sculpting by Yuuji Sakai, who created the costumes used in the actual movies. Pre-order now to experience the quality and detail for yourself!
“哥斯拉爆炸物 - 因此是”燃烧的哥斯拉“绰号。火红的细节在他的身体上呈现SHMonsterArts图上的半透明PVC。
▲左侧显示了Series 1版本(与SpaceGodzilla)的爪子,右侧显示了新产品(与Destoroyah)。
事实上,新的SH MonsterArts图形比拍摄电影时使用的真正服装更具可移动性!
这还不是全部。该人物还包括两个额外的东西:东宝 SFX 电影中出现的那种“Maser Tanks”!该人物包括一辆普通的“平成时代”Maser 坦克和一部《哥斯拉大战戴斯托罗亚》中的冷冻射线坦克。
Godzilla Junior, who also appeared in Godzilla vs. Destoroyah, is also being released as an all-new figure in the S.H.MonsterArts series. This product is being offered as an limited-edition online exclusive through the Tamashii Web store.
“哥斯拉与Mechagodzilla II”,后来成长为“哥斯拉与太空哥斯拉”的“小哥斯拉”,并最终在出生岛上变异后接近成人大小在“哥斯拉与Destoroyah。”哥斯拉少年比哥斯拉小,并具有不同的肤色,背脊和整体比例。
Sakai自己创建了SHMonster Arts人物的原型,目的是以图形的形式重新打造西装外观。哥斯拉少年的明确演绎。
It also includes two helicopters that Miki Saegusa and Sayaka Ozawa used to watch over him.
Notes from Yuuji Sakai about the S.H.MonsterArts Godzilla Junior figure, and stills from the movie, are online at Premium Bandai Tamashii Web Shop. Please have a look for yourself at some commentary on a beloved member of the Godzilla series!
The veil has finally lifted from the S.H.MonsterArts “Godzilla vs. Destoroyah” series. Now you can own the two main characters from the film. But what could be next in the lineup? You'll have to wait for our next report to see for yourself!