Interview Articles [Part] Maki Asai x Kenji Ando x Ryu Oyama x Yoichi Sakamoto & KOMA "SUPERIOR IMAGINATIVE COLOSSEUM" Final Round-table Discussion

座 Round-table talk [prequel] is here!

--- How did you feel honestly when you selected this opponent?

Sakamoto:No, really, I think I'm going to join the names of famous people. I like both Kamen Rider and SIC, and they're my favorite writers, so I was really happy to be among them.

KOMA:At first, I thought, "This is going to be a big deal" (laughs). I'm someone from a completely different field, and I've always worked on "Gundam", so I never thought I'd be involved in a Kamen Rider project. That's why I was half happy and under a lot of pressure.

Sakamoto:I was more afraid than joy (laughs).

Asai:I wasn't Mr. KOMA earlier, but at first I honestly thought that it was "out of place", and the SIC that Mr. Takeya and Mr. Ando, as well as Mr. Goto and Mr. Fujioka (Yukio) had accumulated, entered such comfort. I had a strong feeling that it was not a good place. Also, the schedule was a bit tight, but for the time being, I just answered, "I think positively," and I got only the proposal and went home. But the next morning, I reviewed it and realized for the first time that it was a confrontation project called "Colosseum". No, this is hard! Unreasonable impossible! But I didn't say that I would accept it separately, and I thought I would still refuse. However, a few days later, Mr. Okamoto of BANDAI SPIRITS sent me an e-mail asking "How is your progress?" ... I thought about it (laughs).

Oyama:When I first heard about the project, I just had the impression that it was amazing. The members are also luxurious, and somehow I come to Mr. Ando (laughs).

Asai:After all it is funny, isn't it? Ando is in the face of this project (laughs).

Ando:...... I'm sorry (laughs).

--- Ando, how did you hear that the three sides would participate?

Ando:At the beginning, only the participants were talking, and I did not know who did what. And then I saw the design, but Fozé was totally different from my Fize and I thought it was interesting. Mr. Asai's Ryuki revives various memories when he made Ryuki. As Asai-san, I'm doing nothing without grasping the true character of "Ryuki", but at the time there was only a month to the deadline, and I came up with a method of fleeing the troubled gimmick ...... With this The design of Ryuki is quite the same as it is because it came out in a feeling that please do it. So when I saw Mr. Asai's Ryuki, "I'm jealous" (laughs).
Kuuga also made me, but of course there was something Takeya-san had done before. In my case, it was “Kuuga for the 'Decade' version,” but Takeya-san's design was so strong that I could not make anything more cool than I could do. I love myself "Kuuga" but I don't want to arrange for my favorite characters! I also feel strong (laughs). So I made it while thinking only "Lint character will be put in absolutely", but did I have this hand when I saw Oyama-san! ! I thought (laughs). It's the same as how to put out the details, but I'm attacking Kuuga that I ran away and this is amazing.

-Besides Mr. Ando, I would like to ask if there is a part that I felt was taken from another person's work.

Oyama:Pose is also a more mechanical design at the rough stage, isn't it? But when I saw what was actually completed, I was trying to do something difficult except for Pfize. I felt that it was amazing that the idea of going in this direction was transmitted only because of Pfize.

Sakamoto:It was from the beginning that trying to do what only Pose could do. So instead of simply making it mechanical-like, I thought that I would try to squeeze all the way into a spacesuit + powered suit. Initially the idea is that the hand is also a manipulator, and the hand of the string taro is designed to fit in the arm, and this robot-like hand is the remnant of that. It was said that it would be like the finger of a spider robot even on the net (laughs).

Asai:I am the ghost of Mr. Ando. When I first saw the picture, I thought that I was waving in a more scary direction with the heels and battered coat hidden under my face. However, when I actually saw the actual item, I felt that the smoked gray parts of the legs were clearer than I had thought, and that there was a hauntingness as a ghost. The upper body produces coolness and fear, but pulling it and looking at the whole will add humility. There was a surprise that the element that the variation spreads can be incorporated in one set. I once again realized the charm and the fun of the ghost. I think that it is the difficulty of SIC that it is not just that we should increase the amount of information. There is a difference in the way you pick it up, but the attraction of SIC is how well it can be picked up, and this ghost feels like it's packed up so finely.

Ando:If I give up so much, I can not say anything.

Asai:It is embarrassing that you can talk about your work (laughs).

Ando:No, please tell me more (laughs).

――Finally, please appeal to BANDAI SPIRITS that you should do your best because you cannot give up only here when commercializing.

Sakamoto:Please adjust the color so that you can see the crusher part of your face a little bit more (laughs). The face is a clear part, but the crusher under it is also making well.

KOMA:I would like the advertisement to be different from METAL BUILD, with a bright image like a hero toy (laughs).

Asai:After all it's an action figure, so I would like to ask you for the strength around joints, etc. One thing is that I would like to say a big thing ... but I would like the price to be as good as possible. Recently, the price of toys has risen considerably, but if it is possible to set a price setting that does not break the hearts of fans somehow (laughs).

Oyama:I am satisfied with the current situation, so I can not say anything more. I am looking forward to receiving the product at hand.

Ando:I ..... as usual, please (laughs). However, personally, I am really looking forward to the commercialization of these four points. Because everything that has been said to have been forbidden, including cost and various aspects, is included. If it is the present condition that I have broken through many years so far, a new person came in and made a further breakthrough. In fact, you can do it, too! For example, it should be clear with this (laughs).

Asai:This time, I was going to do my best to send to SIC ... but I saw Fose and was good enough to update SIC so far! ! I was noticed (laughs).

Ando:When I first saw it, I thought I would do it, and I would get angry if I did it (laughs).

Yoichi Sakamoto


Yoichi Sakamoto(Sakamoto, Yoichi)
Born in Tokyo in 1970.
After working at an architectural design office, he entered the path of figure prototypes, and is currently working on prototypes such as the METAL BUILD series in combination with KOMA. Belongs to Wing Co., Ltd. and works as a prototype unit Chemical Attack.



Born in Hyogo in 1969.
After working at RED Company (now Red Entertainment), he is currently working as an illustrator, focusing on the "Gundam" series.

Maki Asai


Maki Asai(Masaaki Asai)
Born in Osaka in 1973.
After his debut in 1990, he became famous in the garage kit industry. Works on a wide range of basic designs not only for design but also for action figures.

Kenji Ando


Kenji Ando(Andou, Kenji)
Born in Kanagawa in 1963.
After working as a bookstore clerk, he became a prototype designer in 1993. I participated in SIC from the beginning of the series and developed it into a great saga with Takayuki Takeya.

Oyama Ryu


Oyama Ryu(Oyama, Ryu)
Born in 1977 in Osaka.
I studied painting at a college of art, but dropped out. Later he entered his hobby of modeling, and is now active as a creature designer.

Product list by brand A figure series focusing on artistic beauty, such as "beauty of design" and "skillfulness of modeling technology" by Takayuki Takeya and Kenji Ando, the top creators of the modeling world. The four concepts of "new material," "high quality," "play value," and "originality" coexisted to build a new concept for character figures.


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