Important Notices [Apology and Notice] Tamashii web shop Misstatement of the price of "S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Glidon Donguri Arms" to be shipped in July
2014-02-17 17:00 update
There was a misprint of the price for the title product, which began accepting orders at "Tamashii web shop" from February 7.
On the order page,It sells for the place where it should be originally 4,104 yen(tax 8% included) for 3,780 yen(tax 8% included)Thing which had to.
Although there was a correct notation such as an article in "The TAMASHII WEB", in order to avoid confusion, this time, the price stated on the order page from the beginning3,780 yen(tax 8% included)We will sell and is in.
Customers, that we apologize for any inconvenience to the parties concerned, I am sorry.
In addition there is also the case in the future, notice of the old price is performed in some magazines and web events, etc., but the following information will be formally so, thank you for your understanding.
Tamashii web shop July Shipping Items
"S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Gridon Donguri Arms."
Selling price 3,780 yen(tax 8% included, shipping fee separately)
Both you for your continued support of our products, thank you in the future.
> "S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider Gridon Donguri Arms" reservation page
> PREMIUM BANDAI Tamashii web shop
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