Important Notices [Apology and Notice] "ARMOR GIRLS PROJECT IS Schwarzer Regen x Laura Bodewig" Product Specifications

*This information is provided to customers who have purchased "ARMOR GIRLS PROJECT IS Schwarzer Regen x Laura Bodewig".

This time your purchase this product, thank you.
Regarding the product, because there is a defect in the packing of goods,
We will contact you with the apology.

A great deal of inconvenience to the customer that I was purchase
I apologize that I apologize.

Is on booking is the customer's application until the end of December 2012
We will arrange the goods packing free of charge.

※ is now replacing the packing,It does not incur changes in regard commodity content.

It's welcome to the exchange method,
(A) how you send the goods packing by cash on delivery
(B) to ask the shipper you to the specified address, how to pick up the goods packing
We are prepared.

(A) If you send the goods packing by cash on delivery
※ The product was taken out each blister,Packing box onlyPlease send.
It does not matter even if you folded.

[Cash on delivery destination]
Yubinbango277-8511 Kashiwa Toyoshiki 241-22
Bandai Customer Service CenterAddressed to AGP IS Regen

Navi Dial 0570-041-101
PHS, from the IP phone, etc. 04-7146-0371
※ Telephone Hours: 10:00 to 17 (except public holidays, the summer and winter vacation)

→ to your address addressed to Itadakimashita fill out when you send, the replacement of the product packaging
We will ship at a later date.

(B) and ask the delivery company to the specified address is you, if you want to pick up the goods packing
* In the title of the inquiry Form, "Hope pick up packing boxPlease specify a ".
※ The product name [AGP IS RegenPlease write].

[Take-off exchange hope your contact]
Inquiry FormHttp://

* You can register the inquiry Form only from your PC.
If you have any inconvenience, please contact the following.
Bandai Customer Service Center Navi Dial 0570-041-101
PHS, from the IP phone, etc. 04-7146-0371
※ Telephone Hours: 10:00 to 17 (except public holidays, the summer and winter vacation)

→ We will pick up the product packaging to the address you entered in the inquiry Form.
At the same mailing address addressed, we will ship at a later date the replacement of the product packaging.


For now regard shipping the scheduled start of the replacement of the product packaging, we have planned since late September 2012.

We would ask that you patronize the Bandai commodity in the future.


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  • 当ホームページでは、魂ウェブ商店の商品は2012年7月以降発送のものを収録しております。
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  • 店頭販売商品の価格は、消費税を含んだメーカー希望小売価格表示です。
  • 魂ウェブ商店の商品価格は、消費税を含んだ販売価格表示です。
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