column CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker" released on February 27!


It has been 40 years since the first CHOGOKIN MAZINGER Z was released in February 1974. To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the birth of CHOGOKIN, Bandai Collectors Division released various item from 2014 to 2015. The overwhelming power of the CHOGOKIN brand has been proved again. The anniversary year will be closed with "CHOGOKIN Walker" released by KADOKAWA on February 27th !!

[Play back 40 years of CHOGOKIN birth! ]


CHOGOKIN Hello Kitty, CHOGOKIN Tower of the sun Robo, CHOGOKIN Monster Hunter 40th anniversary item gathered!! In addition, SOUL OF CHOGOKIN Goldy Marg, CHOGOKIN Robonyan, METAL BUILD Gundam GOLD FRAME AMATSU Mina, etc. Release item are also introduced in advance.

[Show history of CHOGOKIN by gimmick and category! ]

CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker" CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker"

A deformation robot representing CHOGOKIN and a combined robot are classified and introduced according to gimmicks !! Since all transformation and combination are based on CHOGOKIN in the 1970s, the history of robot evolution is I can know. In addition, it also features die cast toys other than robots, such as heroes and popinica.

[Valuable advertising and catalogs can be seen!]

CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker" CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker"

We collected a catalog of CHOGOKIN and jumbo machiners published in magazines in the 1970s and 1980s, and catalogs made for business use. Information that can not be known just by looking at the CHOGOKIN is waiting !!

[Commercial magazine first public release !? Phantom item]

CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker" CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker"

Including DX Chogokin Black Gordian, whose existence has never been officially revealed, phantom items have been released !! You can also see variation research and prototypes.

[Interview article also enhance!]

CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker"

Kazuo Oishi, who designed many CHOGOKIN in the 1980s, led by Katsushi Murakami, the key person in the birth of CHOGOKIN, Tsuyoshi Nonaka, the creator of the SOUL OF CHOGOKIN of SOUL OF CHOGOKIN of superalloys. This is a collection of testimonies that you will want to read carefully, such as a dialogue with the planning team of the Bandai Collectors Division!

[Cover comes with also Shi & posters grated draw of Mr. Tsuyoshi Nonaka!]

CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker"

The cover is an illustration drawn by Mr. Nonaka, who is also the designer of Tower of the sun. It also comes with a powerful poster that brushes up the cover illustration!

CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook "CHOGOKIN Walker"
CHOGOKIN 40th Anniversary Special Mook

A4 size
2015 February 27, released
Price: 3,218 yen(tax 8% included)
Published: Kadokawa Magazines



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