TAMASHII STORE event exclusive items


Kamen Rider HIBIKI Shinkkochou 10th Anniversary Ver.

(税{{ tax }}%込) (Tax excluded)
Shipping month
{{ salesDateShort }}発送予定
Sales period
CTM Ocean Stage and above: Advance sale on a first-come, first-served basis
2月29日(木)18:00 ~ 3月2日(土)23:00
Advance lottery sale for all CTM members
3月6日(水)18:00 ~ 3月8日(金)23:00
CTMオーシャンステージ以上 事後先着販売
3月14日(木)10:00 ~ 3月25日(月)23:00
CTM全会員 事後抽選販売
3月14日(木)10:00 ~ 5月7日(火)23:00
  • *" TAMASHII NATIONS" products are for people over 15 years old. Customers under the age of 15 cannot purchase products. note that.
  • *Please do not make purchases for the purpose of resale.
  • *Please note that we cannot answer inquiries regarding the number of products sold.
  • * The sales status of the listed products may differ from the status of real-time stores and mail-order sites.
  • *Event precautions are subject to change without prior notice.
  • *Our store has introduced a facial recognition system at the cash register to prevent unauthorized purchases.

Please Read Carefully

If the event that the Company determines that a fraudulent act or potentially fraudulent act was committed, your purchase will be voided. In addition, the Company may suspend further transactions or cancel your membership registration.

  • (Example) Multiple purchases by the same person, purchases using an unauthorized account such as false information or personal information of a third party, unauthorized access to the site, etc.

*When a purchase is made, it is assumed that you have agreed to the Sales Precautions. Please read it in advance thoroughly.
Click here for details