Delivering the latest figure information from TAMASHII NATIONS, which pursues high-quality figures!

Tamashii Blog [3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

君たちに、「超合金魂 GX-109 超竜神」最新情報を公開しよう!

発売直前となる【第3回】では、「GX-109 超竜神」製品サンプルでシンメトリカルドッキング! 合体後のプロポーション・可動・専用メガトンツール「イレイザーヘッド」など、GGGが誇る最強レスキュー勇者ロボの全貌をお送りします!

* Please refer to the attached instruction manual when playing with the actual product.



Static mechanism

一ヶ月ぶりにこんにちは! はじめましての方はキングジェイダーが好き過ぎおもちゃライター/カメラマンこと静メカと申します。
2024年9月店頭発売予定「超合金魂 GX-109 超竜神」の3ヶ月連続紹介企画、ついに最終回! 本記事【第3回】ではシンメトリカルドッキング後の「超竜神」形態を掘り下げていきます。


[First Factory Sample Introduction] A three-month consecutive project: "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" - from development to just before release, the latest information will be made public!




[2nd/Hyoryuu & Flame Dragon] A 3-month consecutive project: "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" - from development to just before release, the latest information will be made public!

>>【第2回】氷竜・炎竜 ビークル/ロボットモード

氷竜・炎竜の各モードを徹底紹介! 「セミビークルモード」の詳細もこちらです。


[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!




[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

超 竜 神 !!


[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

氷竜と炎竜のシンパレートが高まり、ついにシンメトリカルドッキングを成し得た超竜神! ガオガイガーのサポートや市街レスキューを主任務として生み出された超AI搭載ロボです。


[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

ディテールアップパーツ(後述)を使用しない、シンメトリカルドッキングの完成までをダイレクトに楽しめる遊び方ですが、この状態でも超竜神らしいボリューム感とプロポーションは十分に両立されています。 特に氷竜と炎竜が変形した両足は、どの角度からも魅力的なディテールが。また、背中に搭載されていたかかとは可動し、この形態でもしっかり接地が可能です。


[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!



[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!



[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

And so,超竜神になっても顔がいい


[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!



[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!



[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

「ダブルガン」「ダブルライフル」「ダブルトンファー」といった、超竜神の技の数々が超合金魂で唸りを上げる! ダブルトンファーは専用グリップが別途付属し、その基部も可動します。


[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!





[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!



[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!



超合金魂 オリジナルギミック

ここで超合金魂 GX-109 超竜神」独自のポイントを改めてご紹介します。「本編をそのまま立体化」とは趣を変えた、トイオリジナルポイントをお楽しみください。


[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

・イレイザーヘッド 背部携行状態



[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!




[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!





[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!




[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!

3ヶ月にわたって「超合金魂 GX-109 超竜神」ご紹介をお送りしました。未彩色試作品から製品サンプルまで総掲載枚数60枚以上で解説し、ついに店頭発売を迎えます!


「超合金魂 GX-109 超竜神」は、9月28日(土)店頭へシンメトリカルドッキング承認!


[3rd/ CHORYUJIN] A three-month consecutive project revealing the latest information on "SOUL OF CHOGOKIN GX-109 CHORYUJIN" from its development to just before its release!






>> Click Here for the Product Details Page



>月刊ホビージャパン 公式サイトはこちら



* Please refer to the attached instruction manual when playing with the actual product.

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    41,800 yen(tax 10% included)
    38,000 yen(excluding tax)


    Released on September 28, 2024


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