Starting with WING GUNDAM ZERO released in June 2012, ROBOT SPIRITS <SIDE MS> "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" series. This lineup, which has received very high praise for topics such as a wide range of motion, sharp modeling, and the commercialization of TV aircraft that rarely have opportunities for three-dimensionalization, is the first general-purpose mass-produced MS in the history of AC (After Colony). , "Leo" will join on August 11, 2012. In this soul item, the charm of "ROBOT soul
--- Simple, and optimal movable mechanism Although it is a general-purpose mass-produced MS, and therefore Rio is composed of a simple design, the "action" that is the greatest attraction of the ROBOT SPIRITS is designed to be ashamed of the brand. Without it to include excessive joint mechanism, simple yet also adopts a structure that allows most effectively perform its function.
shoulder: Independent of the joint parts that connect the torso and shoulders. By employing a ball joint to the fuselage base, it has secured the front and rear movable range of the minimum required. There is a simple mechanism, but it is also the point that this structure is to ensure the stroke of time brandishing their arms in an upward direction at the same time.
abdomen: Independently movable structure the part that connects the chest and waist, realizing the action of forward bending / twist like. Along with the spread of the pose of choice, it has been to be able to reproduce even a sense of movement to be drawn in the video work. |
leg: To balance the degree of freedom at the time of improvement of ground resistance and action - The toe of the independent mobilization And adopted a ball joint to the ankle part that connects the foot and shin It well Standard and are you achieve a basic range of motion in that, by setting the ankle guard dare to free, is that it avoids the interference of the parts to each other at the time of the legs moving there in a new attempt . |
--- Set of options to bring out the charm of Rio 120% Although Rio has sufficient potential as an action figure by itself, it is the "ROBOT SPIRITS Rio Option Set" that will be released at the same time that can further bring out its charm and play value. Shields, bazookas, and Dover guns are included, one by one, so you can assemble your own custom-type Rio with just changing weapons. In addition, by adding two and three, it is possible to create a custom machine that suits your own story, such as "twin dover gun equipped type" and "close combat specialized type/shielded equipment".
Set of options appeal is not the only weapon. Accompanying "movable head". This is the reason why to affirm that it is not just a weapon set. Dividing the collar armor and head, while keeping as much as possible the design lines to achieve a movable head by using this part, it is possible to express the character of individual aircraft. And by combining the wrist open on the movable head, which is a point that should not be forgotten that that will further increase the persuasive.
――― Presence that "group" gives It is unnecessary to explain that "group image" is one of the attractions of mass-produced MS. 2 aircraft than one aircraft, than the two aircraft ... Powerful by displaying multiple machines, drama, depth, such as story is remarkably improved.