
Bandai's venture into high-precision robot figures for the adult market began 10years ago. ROBOT SPIRITS represents a culmination of this technology. High-precision 12cm figures are rendered with careful attention using the latest 3D CAD technology. Solid, smooth and soft materials are combined to create an unprecedented level of detail and realistic finish. The result is nothing less than a new standard in robot figures.The standard for posable robot figuresDiecast frames forluxurious qualityThe fusion of two brands, CHOGOKIN: the legendary diecast models, and Robot Spirits: the high-precision robot figure series.This is a brand with an incredible balance of its gourgeous texture/ posability together with its metalic/profound finish!Incredible range of motionFaithful anime posesAn extensive lineupMetal-based color schemesTAMASHII NATIONS©SOTSU・SUNRISE ©kharaDIE-CAST20

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