
METALBUILDGUNDAM DEVISE EXIADesigned and arranged based on illustrations by top creators, capturing the feel of each character's world.Diecast alloy is used in joints and other parts to enhance durability while expressing a mechanical sense of strength and weight. The use of multiple types of plastic for the exterior allows for the selection of materials based on their characteristics, for design, articulation and quality of an unsurpassed level.The diecast parts are electrostatic plated, for vibrant colors that enhance the small details.Evolved from the expert designed, high-end METAL BUILD represents nothing less than the pinnacle of die-cast composite material action figure design. "Tampo" printing is used to apply markings accurately, even on complex curves or grooved parts.A wide range of optional parts that can be used with the main figure are included as well.METAL BUILD captures characters from their most dramatic moments on screen, letting you experience dynamic features and incredible play value.DESIGNARRANGEMENTMATERIALELECTROSTATICCOATINGTAMPOGRAPHYOPTION PARTSTAMASHII NATIONS©SOTSU・SUNRISEDIE-CAST14

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